Questions and Answers

Why a Writer's Guild?

McCall College has organized a Language and Creative Arts (LCA) Division for the College.  Julie Fields and Lynette (Nettie K) Williams have agreed to participate in the development of programs for the college. We are hoping to field a Language Arts and Reading Comprehension course for GED students in the near future.  We would then like to develop a College Composition course that would qualify a student for CLEP (College-level Examination Program) credits for transfer to other colleges.  Nettie K will be offering Art programs.  It is hoped that the Guild members would support the LCA Department.  Some might enjoy teaching future classes or tutoring struggling students.  Future events for Guild members will benefit by having students in the midst.


How do I join?

An email or conversation with Dr. Williams will activate membership.  There are two types of members: active and passive. Active writers read, write and react to other's writing examples.  Passive writers are readers.


Is there a fee to join?

Not yet.  However, I envision a modest annual fee to cover costs once we are large enough with quality content.  You are always welcome to donate to the college (a 401 c (3) organization) if you would like to support writing in our area.


What are your goals?

To improve Reading and Writing in our region.

To elevate the quality of public writing in our region (editorials, technical writing, resumes).

To support a regional then national Writer's Writing annual event for McCall (eg. Whistler's Writer's Festival)


Do you have a publishing capacity?

Yes.  I own and operate Dr. Ethics Press, McCall ID & Creston, BC.  I built the publishing capacity for my own works.  In addition, my son and daughter-in-law own Printshop McCall.  When our writing capacity matures, publication is a possibility.  We will also align with all publishers in the region who might help the guild.


What is Dr. Williams' writing background?

Dr. Williams served as a Writing Instructor at The University of Southern California for 6 years as a graduate student.  I taught Freshman Composition at Point Loma Nazarene University for 1 year.  I served as Associate Professor of Ethics, Religion, and Healthcare at Warner Pacific University, Portland OR.  I have published at a book-level through Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.  I have published many article-length pieces.