Human Relations ProTech (HRPT)


HRPT184 DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS - This course is designed to increase awareness and appreciation for the diversity that exists in contemporary American organizations. Students will explore historical and contemporary experiences from perspectives of both women and men of diverse races, ethnicities, social class, religions, sexual orientation, ages and abilities focusing on how those perspectives effect human relations in the workplace. Students will be encouraged to develop a critical consciousness and explore ways to eliminate negative stereotyping and discrimination that often leads to unequal treatment in organizations. PT Hours: 3


HRPT185 HUMAN RELATIONS IN ORGANIZATIONS - Introductory course designed to introduce students to the complexities within 21st century organizations and offers strategies for coping and succeeding within those complex organizations. Course material will deal with realitybased problems that exist in organizations such as conflict, change, teamwork, leadership and self-management. Hours: 3